H 1 | He 2 | Li 3 | Be 4 | B 5 | C 6 | N 7 | O 8 | F 9 | Ne 10 | Na 11 | Mg 12 | Al 13 | Si 14 | P1 5 | S 16 | Cl 17 | A 1 | |
K 19 | Ca 20 | Sc 21 | Ti 22 | V 23 | Cr 24 | Mn 25 | Fe 26 | Co 27 | Ni 28 | Cu 29 | Zn 30 | Ga 31 | Ge 32 | As 33 | Se 34 | Br 35 | Kr 36 | |
Rb 37 | Sr 38 | Y 39 | Zr 40 | Nb 41 | Mo 42 | Tc 43 | Ru 44 | Rh 45 | Pd 46 | Ag 47 | Cd 48 | In 49 | Sn 50 | Sb 51 | Te 52 | I 53 | Xe 54 | |
Cs 55 | Ba 56 | La 57 | Ce 58 | Pr 59 | Nd 60 | Pm 61 | Sm 62 | Eu 63 | Gd 64 | Tb 65 | Dy 66 | Ho 67 | Er 68 | Tu 69 | Yb 70 | Lu 71 | ? 72 | |
? 73 | ? 74 | ? 75 | Hf 76 | Ta 77 | W 78 | Re 79 | Os 80 | Ir 81 | Pt 82 | Au 83 | Hg 84 | Tl 85 | Pb 86 | Bi 87 | Po 88 | At 89 | Rn 90 | |
Fr 91 | Ra 92 | Ac 93 | Th 94 | Pa 95 | U 96 | Np 97 | Pu 98 | Am 99 | Cm 100 | Bk 101 | Cf 102 | Es 103 | Fm 104 | Md 105 | No 106 | Lr 107 |
Monday, February 15, 2016
table of elements
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Michelson-Morley ether is exposed to the de Broglie.
To the origins of quantum mechanics.
French scientist de Broglie suggested that the electron is transferred wave matter, since electrons diffract when passing hole. They attributed the properties of the particles and the properties of the waves. Later this wave called the hit probability density of electrons in certain areas.
But back to ether and let it consists of neutral particles obtained from compounds of the electrons and positrons. Electron moving in the air will create a wave of ether particles, which in the diffraction through the hole he go away from the straight direction.
Tunneling through the barrier can be explained by the fact that some of the electrons falling on the crystal lattice of the barrier knock electrons from the back side of the barrier, and do not pass through it. After electrons while nobody tagged.
To the origins of quantum mechanics.
French scientist de Broglie suggested that the electron is transferred wave matter, since electrons diffract when passing hole. They attributed the properties of the particles and the properties of the waves. Later this wave called the hit probability density of electrons in certain areas.
But back to ether and let it consists of neutral particles obtained from compounds of the electrons and positrons. Electron moving in the air will create a wave of ether particles, which in the diffraction through the hole he go away from the straight direction.
Tunneling through the barrier can be explained by the fact that some of the electrons falling on the crystal lattice of the barrier knock electrons from the back side of the barrier, and do not pass through it. After electrons while nobody tagged.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Magnetic lines of force and electrical fields
In 1921 - 1925 years of Miller , suggesting that the ether , trapped by Earth's gravity at the surface of the Earth is stationary relative to the surface , conducted experiments on Michelson scheme at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Measuring the velocity of the ether at Mount Wilson have yielded positive results.
But these deliberate speed dissatisfied popular belief that the Earth is moving at a speed relative to the ether 30km/cek.Moment rotation of the Sun is not the sum of the orbital angular momenta of the planets. That is something still spinning ! If the Sun rotates the ether, and the ether of the planet rotates , the ether drift velocity relative to the planet should be approximately close to the speed of rotation of the planet's surface . What's on Mount Wilson was fixed !
If the ether of the planet rotates , the angular orbital velocity of the planets have to obey certain laws . If a particle of ether is the formation of a certain matter that remains after the annihilation of an electron and a positron , you can expect to receive a response from the air on the electrical and magnetic fields . Electromagnetic wave can be interpreted as the polarization of the ether. The speed of light in the medium would be constant . And the electric field can be interpreted as ? Let us be on the air test electron and if the particle is composed of ether -related electron and a positron , all the particles of the ether turn to their test electron positron . The rest will react well and we get - the electric field lines . A wave of de Broglie - so in such an environment for electrons and can only wave motion ! Planets move in the direction of rotation of the Sun , or vice versa? The law of gravity on the rotation of the planet around the lights clockwise or counterclockwise does not say anything ! If the Sun rotates the ether , the ether must rotate the planet in the same direction. Layers of ether must report daily rotation of the planet . Phobos and Deimos are irregular in shape and in its orbital motion are rotated to the planet is always one and the same - the same party. Dimensions of Phobos about 27 km, and Deimos is about 15 km . I presented this idea in the journal Science and Technology in 1989 . , For this to the editor had to list the 50 Soviet rubles.
The significance of the ether in science, technology and life.
The existence of the ether , the definition of its properties is of great importance in our lives. Criticism or support SRT little help in understanding the nature of the ether. Now when it's needed energy-hungry electrical materials with special properties. To obtain the material necessary to know the properties of elements , causes the crystallization of a grating with a particular type. So we were taught that an electron with great speed in its orbit will never fall into the nucleus. Is this true , if there is an ether ? No, of course , and without great speed , he will not fall into the nucleus . Hence the possible revision of quantum mechanics. And in the propagation of electromagnetic waves broadcast has not had his say . They say there is such a matter as the electromagnetic field . So what. And that something is the matter of . Not of the same vectors H and E !
Ether me to consist of particles - efironov who have annihilate an electron and a positron . Otherwise, how can they be born ? An electromagnetic wave is a polarization of these particles . Turns these dipoles have a magnetic field. The sun rotates the ether, and the ether of the planet rotates . So Michelson got 30km per second . In Miller's ether drift velocity was on the surface of the Earth is about 1 km per second . and was probably correct, but somewhere weird for conservative and right experiments Miller were rejected. See Journal of Technology and Science for the N6 1989
Here's what I wrote V.A.Atsyukovsky 12.02.84g.1 . The idea of the rotation of the planets ethereal wind that comes from the sun is not new. We have it attributed to Descartes, but in fact it is probably much older. This raises two problems : - it is not clear how the Sun can turn the air with such a rate that aired during the spreading of a rotating planet as they orbit . Proper rotation of the sun is not enough for at least two orders of magnitude . The speed of rotation of the Sun's surface is 2km.v sec . , And you need about 200km.v sec . , Then we would all converge . The circulation of planetary motion decreases , but not as much as expected in hydraulic engineering . It 's true there are facilitating factors: considering the compressibility of the ether, it's all right , everything will be exactly as is . But the problem is not solved previous . As it can not know. Sincerely , VA Atsyukovsky . Of course, if the Sun and the planets rotate at the same angular velocity can be worked and the laws of hydrodynamics. It is easy to calculate that as the Earth will rotate on an annual orbit the sun during this time will turn 14 times . To accurately describe these relations need to know the properties of ether . G.Filipenko .
How to search ether .
Ether carries the planet, and not vice versa. The sun rotates the air. From the angular velocity of the planets seen that the further planet from the sun. the less the angular velocity , i.e. as if the planets rotate in a certain liquid . In this case the world should be almost air or wind should not be. It seems to me that the ether wind to look in the direction of the East-West and its magnitude on the Earth's surface shall not exceed 1 km per second .
In 1921 - 1925 years of Miller , suggesting that the ether , trapped by Earth's gravity at the surface of the Earth is stationary relative to the surface , conducted experiments on Michelson scheme at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Measuring the velocity of the ether at Mount Wilson have yielded positive results.
But these deliberate speed dissatisfied popular belief that the Earth is moving at a speed relative to the ether 30km/cek.Moment rotation of the Sun is not the sum of the orbital angular momenta of the planets. That is something still spinning ! If the Sun rotates the ether, and the ether of the planet rotates , the ether drift velocity relative to the planet should be approximately close to the speed of rotation of the planet's surface . What's on Mount Wilson was fixed !
If the ether of the planet rotates , the angular orbital velocity of the planets have to obey certain laws . If a particle of ether is the formation of a certain matter that remains after the annihilation of an electron and a positron , you can expect to receive a response from the air on the electrical and magnetic fields . Electromagnetic wave can be interpreted as the polarization of the ether. The speed of light in the medium would be constant . And the electric field can be interpreted as ? Let us be on the air test electron and if the particle is composed of ether -related electron and a positron , all the particles of the ether turn to their test electron positron . The rest will react well and we get - the electric field lines . A wave of de Broglie - so in such an environment for electrons and can only wave motion ! Planets move in the direction of rotation of the Sun , or vice versa? The law of gravity on the rotation of the planet around the lights clockwise or counterclockwise does not say anything ! If the Sun rotates the ether , the ether must rotate the planet in the same direction. Layers of ether must report daily rotation of the planet . Phobos and Deimos are irregular in shape and in its orbital motion are rotated to the planet is always one and the same - the same party. Dimensions of Phobos about 27 km, and Deimos is about 15 km . I presented this idea in the journal Science and Technology in 1989 . , For this to the editor had to list the 50 Soviet rubles.
The significance of the ether in science, technology and life.
The existence of the ether , the definition of its properties is of great importance in our lives. Criticism or support SRT little help in understanding the nature of the ether. Now when it's needed energy-hungry electrical materials with special properties. To obtain the material necessary to know the properties of elements , causes the crystallization of a grating with a particular type. So we were taught that an electron with great speed in its orbit will never fall into the nucleus. Is this true , if there is an ether ? No, of course , and without great speed , he will not fall into the nucleus . Hence the possible revision of quantum mechanics. And in the propagation of electromagnetic waves broadcast has not had his say . They say there is such a matter as the electromagnetic field . So what. And that something is the matter of . Not of the same vectors H and E !
Ether me to consist of particles - efironov who have annihilate an electron and a positron . Otherwise, how can they be born ? An electromagnetic wave is a polarization of these particles . Turns these dipoles have a magnetic field. The sun rotates the ether, and the ether of the planet rotates . So Michelson got 30km per second . In Miller's ether drift velocity was on the surface of the Earth is about 1 km per second . and was probably correct, but somewhere weird for conservative and right experiments Miller were rejected. See Journal of Technology and Science for the N6 1989
Here's what I wrote V.A.Atsyukovsky 12.02.84g.1 . The idea of the rotation of the planets ethereal wind that comes from the sun is not new. We have it attributed to Descartes, but in fact it is probably much older. This raises two problems : - it is not clear how the Sun can turn the air with such a rate that aired during the spreading of a rotating planet as they orbit . Proper rotation of the sun is not enough for at least two orders of magnitude . The speed of rotation of the Sun's surface is 2km.v sec . , And you need about 200km.v sec . , Then we would all converge . The circulation of planetary motion decreases , but not as much as expected in hydraulic engineering . It 's true there are facilitating factors: considering the compressibility of the ether, it's all right , everything will be exactly as is . But the problem is not solved previous . As it can not know. Sincerely , VA Atsyukovsky . Of course, if the Sun and the planets rotate at the same angular velocity can be worked and the laws of hydrodynamics. It is easy to calculate that as the Earth will rotate on an annual orbit the sun during this time will turn 14 times . To accurately describe these relations need to know the properties of ether . G.Filipenko .
How to search ether .
Ether carries the planet, and not vice versa. The sun rotates the air. From the angular velocity of the planets seen that the further planet from the sun. the less the angular velocity , i.e. as if the planets rotate in a certain liquid . In this case the world should be almost air or wind should not be. It seems to me that the ether wind to look in the direction of the East-West and its magnitude on the Earth's surface shall not exceed 1 km per second .
Sunday, March 13, 2011
НАСА подтверждает смещение оси Земли
Ученый Ричард Гросс из Лаборатории реактивного движения НАСА, расположенной в Пасадине (штат Калифорния, США) подтвердил ранее выдвинутую версию итальянских коллег о смещении оси Земли.
По расчетам американских исследователей, мощнейшее землетрясение в Японии привело к смещению собственной оси Земли (вокруг которой планета сбалансирована по массе) на 15 см. Кроме того, произошло сокращение продолжительности земных суток на 1,6 микросекунды.
http:// my. mail. ru/ community/ do- 2012- i- posle/ 50DE2D2C74594F1E. html
По расчетам американских исследователей, мощнейшее землетрясение в Японии привело к смещению собственной оси Земли (вокруг которой планета сбалансирована по массе) на 15 см. Кроме того, произошло сокращение продолжительности земных суток на 1,6 микросекунды.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Astronomers do not believe in his discovery
Team Fermi Space Telescope has found the sky dark galaxies in which no stars, but the smoldering dark matter. As pioneers in the discovery until they believe, and regardless of their test results can not be - where are the candidates, scientists do not raskryvayut.Pomimo great conflict between two cultures - the physicists and poets, put in circulation a Briton, Charles Snow, exactly 50 years ago, for centuries, and there is little conflict dealing exclusively with physics.
Team Fermi Space Telescope has found the sky dark galaxies in which no stars, but the smoldering dark matter.
In mid-2008, an international scientific experiment PAMELA on board Russia's satellite Resurs-DK" found an excess of high-energy positrons in the vicinity of the Sun. They could be born in the spontaneous decay or mutual annihilation of exotic particles, which are expected, and consists of dark matter. Unambiguous interpretation of data is not today, and wrote infox.ru. Someone thinks that it should be dark particles, someone accuses them the appearance of a neutron star near the Sun, some general believes that these are unaccounted systematic errors in the apparatus PAMELA. Many had hoped that the situation will clarify launch space observatory named after Fermi, which registers a very high-energy photons. They could be produced in the interaction of light with the usual high-energy charged particles (so-called inverse Compton scattering). And so the scientists had hoped to clarify the situation with the data PAMELA. Spacecraft WMAP has found an excess of microwave radiation from the galactic center - the so-called "haze WMAP», which remains in the data, if we subtract from them all the known sources of microwaves. One of the most probable explanation for her - synchrotron radiation of energetic electrons, the line wound on the induction of interstellar magnetic fields. Exactly the same electrons using the inverse Compton effect can be produced and high-energy photons, which are able to see Fermi. If the source of energetic positrons and electrons are really particles of dark matter, then they are more likely to be born there where more dark matter. According to modern concepts, such places considered centers of galaxies. Therefore, astronomers eagerly awaiting a special that will see the Fermi towards the center of the Milky Way. Moreover, the allusion to the large number of electrons are astronomers took a few years ago from the apparatus WMAP. Fermi went into orbit in June 2008, and scientific data collection began a few months. The researchers repeated their analysis and have more confidently stated: in addition to haze WMAP» exists and haze Fermi», in which well fits the theory of dissolution or the annihilation of dark matter. There are, however, one important caveat. Even if a large number of electrons and positrons of high energy in the center of the Galaxy there (and no doubt this is less), their origin of dark matter particles still have to prove. In principle, they may be other sources - for example, the shock waves from supernova explosions or the same old neutron stars, which remain on the site of such explosions. Center of the Galaxy must be infested and those and others - simply because there are very many stars, some of which will sooner or later explode. And let the alternative models should be fairly to attract the ears, for many it is still more acceptable explanation than some kind of dark matter there. The discrepancy between the theoretically predicted and observed in reality, the number of dwarf satellites of the Milky Way and other galaxies called the problem of substructure. Its standard solution consists in the fact that dwarf galaxies around us are, but here are the stars in them are not formed. Recent data indicate that such an explanation can really work: the smallest of the newly discovered satellites of our galaxy and indeed consist of only a few hundred stars. But their weight (it can be estimated from the movement of the stars) is much greater. It is assumed that it lies largely in the dark matter. To exclude an alternative to the acceleration of electrons by shock waves, one must look to where supernovae do not explode. In an ideal - a place where there are no stars and dark matter should be. If you believe the theory, such starless dark matter halo really need to surround our galaxy - the theory predicts a dozen times more dwarf galaxies than observed in reality. To find something that does not cover the stars, Elliot Bloom, one of the few pure theorists who are members of the team experiment, Fermi, and his colleague, Ping Wang had perelopatit entire archive of data in search of Fermi extended objects, the gamma radiation which corresponds to the model of dissolution or the annihilation of particles dark matter. In addition, these objects should not overlap with known sources, and the flow of photons from them should not change over time. Bloom and Van found 54 extended sources, allocated over the background of at least four standard deviations. Consistently at each of them, the researchers threw 50 potential "star-free galaxies as inappropriate selected criteria. Remained four criteria are satisfied. Above the background they do not stand out at four, and at least five standard deviations. Nonetheless, Bloom concluded that the new dark dwarfs in these Fermi in the first ten months were not found. The main argument, which leads the scientist - a discrepancy of the spectra of these sources of selected theoretical models of the collapse of dark matter.
Team Fermi Space Telescope has found the sky dark galaxies in which no stars, but the smoldering dark matter.
In mid-2008, an international scientific experiment PAMELA on board Russia's satellite Resurs-DK" found an excess of high-energy positrons in the vicinity of the Sun. They could be born in the spontaneous decay or mutual annihilation of exotic particles, which are expected, and consists of dark matter. Unambiguous interpretation of data is not today, and wrote infox.ru. Someone thinks that it should be dark particles, someone accuses them the appearance of a neutron star near the Sun, some general believes that these are unaccounted systematic errors in the apparatus PAMELA. Many had hoped that the situation will clarify launch space observatory named after Fermi, which registers a very high-energy photons. They could be produced in the interaction of light with the usual high-energy charged particles (so-called inverse Compton scattering). And so the scientists had hoped to clarify the situation with the data PAMELA. Spacecraft WMAP has found an excess of microwave radiation from the galactic center - the so-called "haze WMAP», which remains in the data, if we subtract from them all the known sources of microwaves. One of the most probable explanation for her - synchrotron radiation of energetic electrons, the line wound on the induction of interstellar magnetic fields. Exactly the same electrons using the inverse Compton effect can be produced and high-energy photons, which are able to see Fermi. If the source of energetic positrons and electrons are really particles of dark matter, then they are more likely to be born there where more dark matter. According to modern concepts, such places considered centers of galaxies. Therefore, astronomers eagerly awaiting a special that will see the Fermi towards the center of the Milky Way. Moreover, the allusion to the large number of electrons are astronomers took a few years ago from the apparatus WMAP. Fermi went into orbit in June 2008, and scientific data collection began a few months. The researchers repeated their analysis and have more confidently stated: in addition to haze WMAP» exists and haze Fermi», in which well fits the theory of dissolution or the annihilation of dark matter. There are, however, one important caveat. Even if a large number of electrons and positrons of high energy in the center of the Galaxy there (and no doubt this is less), their origin of dark matter particles still have to prove. In principle, they may be other sources - for example, the shock waves from supernova explosions or the same old neutron stars, which remain on the site of such explosions. Center of the Galaxy must be infested and those and others - simply because there are very many stars, some of which will sooner or later explode. And let the alternative models should be fairly to attract the ears, for many it is still more acceptable explanation than some kind of dark matter there. The discrepancy between the theoretically predicted and observed in reality, the number of dwarf satellites of the Milky Way and other galaxies called the problem of substructure. Its standard solution consists in the fact that dwarf galaxies around us are, but here are the stars in them are not formed. Recent data indicate that such an explanation can really work: the smallest of the newly discovered satellites of our galaxy and indeed consist of only a few hundred stars. But their weight (it can be estimated from the movement of the stars) is much greater. It is assumed that it lies largely in the dark matter. To exclude an alternative to the acceleration of electrons by shock waves, one must look to where supernovae do not explode. In an ideal - a place where there are no stars and dark matter should be. If you believe the theory, such starless dark matter halo really need to surround our galaxy - the theory predicts a dozen times more dwarf galaxies than observed in reality. To find something that does not cover the stars, Elliot Bloom, one of the few pure theorists who are members of the team experiment, Fermi, and his colleague, Ping Wang had perelopatit entire archive of data in search of Fermi extended objects, the gamma radiation which corresponds to the model of dissolution or the annihilation of particles dark matter. In addition, these objects should not overlap with known sources, and the flow of photons from them should not change over time. Bloom and Van found 54 extended sources, allocated over the background of at least four standard deviations. Consistently at each of them, the researchers threw 50 potential "star-free galaxies as inappropriate selected criteria. Remained four criteria are satisfied. Above the background they do not stand out at four, and at least five standard deviations. Nonetheless, Bloom concluded that the new dark dwarfs in these Fermi in the first ten months were not found. The main argument, which leads the scientist - a discrepancy of the spectra of these sources of selected theoretical models of the collapse of dark matter.
Recent research on the orbit confirmed the existence of antimatter in the lightning discharges, reported by astronomers at the symposium of scientists
Recent research on the orbit confirmed the existence of antimatter in the lightning discharges, reported by astronomers at the symposium of scientists in Washington. The researchers used the observatory ;Fermi; which is located at an altitude of 565 km, where he studied gamma-ray bursts that occur in the atmosphere and coincide geographically with lightning lightning. Analysis of gamma-ray spectra allow to conclude that the outbreak there are particles of high positron ie antimatter electrons which are opposites. During the studies of gamma radiation in a discharge of lightning were recorded repeatedly. Japanese scientists have established technology-based sensors at a height of 2750 m. above sea level that are in the observatory Nokinura "for the study of gamma-radiation. What possible to determine the role of the storm, which operates electron accelerator. High-energy matter in lightning recorded for the first time and scientists do not yet know how to explain the appearance of these particles and why the storm is their accelerator. http://www.science.yoread.ru/news.php?readmore=649
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Power line magnetic and electric fields
In 1921 - 1925 of the Miller, suggesting that the ether, capturing the Earth gravity at the surface of the Earth's surface has become relatively fixed, conducted experiments on a Michelson at a height of 6 thousand futov.Izmereniya speed ether at Mount Wilson yielded positive results. But the deliberate speed unsatisfying belief that the Earth moves relative to the ether with the speed of rotation of the Sun 30km/cek.Moment not have the amount of rotation of the planets orbital moments. T.e.chto else revolves, if the sun rotates the broadcast, and broadcast the planet rotates, the air speed of the wind on the planet should be approximately close to the speed of rotation of the planet. As for the Mount Wilson and has been recorded! If the air rotates the planet, the orbital angular velocity of the planets have to obey certain pravilam.Esli part of the ether is the formation of a matter, after the annihilation of positrons with electrons, we can expect to receive a response from the ether on the electric and magnetic polya.Elektromagnitnuyu wave could be interpreted as polarization of the ether. The speed of light in this environment would be postoyannoy.A electric field as can be interpreted? Make the air sample and the electron, if the particle is composed of the ether of an electron and a positron, then all particles of the ether turn to test its electron pozitronami.Ostalnye sreagiruyut and we also get the power-line electric polya.A de Broglie waves, so in an environment for electrons, and can only wave motion! Planets are moving in the direction of rotation of the Sun or vice versa? The law of gravity on the planet's rotation around the body clockwise or counterclockwise does not say anything! If the Sun rotates the broadcast, the broadcast must be rotated by the planet in the same direction. Layers should communicate planet ester diurnal vraschenie.Fobos and Deymos are irregular in shape and in its orbital motion to be rotated to the planet is always one - the same side. The size of Phobos about 27 km, and about 15 Deymosa km.Etu idea I outlined in the journal Technology and Science in 1989. For this to the editors should have to list the 50 Soviet rubles. The importance of ether in science, technology and life. The existence of the ether, the definition of its properties is of great importance in our lives. Criticism or podderzhkaSTO little help in understanding the nature efira.Seychas when it is needed electrical energy hungry materials with special svoystvami.Chtoby get the materials you need to know svoystvaelementov, causes the crystallization of the lattice in a specific type. So we were taught that an electron with a velocity in its orbit will never fall to the nucleus. Is it true, if there is an ether? No, of course, and without great speed, he will not fall on the nucleus. Hence, the quantum mehaniki.I possible correction in the spread of the electromagnetic wave broadcasts have not yet said a word. They say there is such a matter as the electromagnetic field. So what. And this matter of something is. Not from the same vectors H and E! Air seems to me composed of particles-efironov, which is an electron with a positron annihilate. Otherwise, how can they be born? Electromagnetic wave-polarization of these particles. The Turn of the dipoles have a magnetic field. The sun rotates the broadcast, and broadcast the planet rotates. Therefore, Michelson does not nameryal 30km / sec. In Miller's ether wind speed was at the Earth's surface about 1 km / sec. and probably was right, but somewhere dikovatoy for the conservative right, and Miller's experiments were otvergnuty.Sm.zhurnal Technology & Science N6 for 1989 Here is what I wrote the VA Atsyukovsky 12.02.84g.1.Ideya about rotation planetary ether wind emanating from the Sun is not new. We have it attributed to Descartes, but in fact it is probably much older. There are two difficulties:-understand how the sun can rotate the air with such speed that the distribution of air to rotate the planet as they vraschayutsya.Sobstvennogo rotation of the Sun that is not enough for at least two orders of magnitude. The rotational speed of the surface of the Sun is 2km.v sec. But you need to order 200km.v sec. Then all shodilos.Tsirkulyatsiya movement of the planets decreases, but not, as expected in the Water. Here truth is facilitating circumstances: if you take into account the compressibility of the ether, it's all right, everything will be just as happening. But the difficulty of the previous is not solved. How it be I do not know. Sincerely VA Atsyukovskiy.Konechno if the Sun and planets revolved with the same angular velocity may be employed to calculate gidrodinamiki.Netrudno laws that still make the annual rotation of Earth to orbit the sun during this time rotated 14 times. To accurately describe these relationships need to know the properties of the ether. G. Filipenko. Search ether. Air carries the planet, not naoborot.Solntse rotates efir.Iz angular velocities of the planets shows that the farther the planet from the Sun so it is less than the angular velocity, ie as if the planets revolve in some liquid. In this case, the Earth must not be broadcast almost no wind or should be. I think that ether wind need to go in the direction of East-West and its value at the Earth's surface would not exceed 1 km / sec.
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